
Key Performance Indicator Dashboard

The KPI Dashboard comes with 100 Key Performance Indicators specific to HRMS.  KPIs are visible to Managers, Organization Unit Heads, Administrators and any other individual who should be aware of Performance and Quality in the Organization.  KPIs are generated live from the database and refresh every time they are opened.  The list of KPIs included in both the KPI Dashboard as well as the KPI Summary is shown below.  Note that additional KPIs can easily be added.

Productivity KPIs

  1. Labor Cost Vs Revenues
  2. Revenues Generated by FTE
  3. Unit Production per FTE
  4. Labor Utilization Rate
  5. Quality Reject Rate / Employee Errors
  6. Customer Complaints
  7. Project / Deliverables Delays
  8. Employee / Deliverable Delays Ratio
  9. Pending Payments Due to Delays per FTE

Jobs / Positions KPIs

  1. Jobs Utilization
  2. Job Cost Distribution
  3. Succession
  4. Career Planning
  5. Turnover

Recruitment KPIs

  1. Position Budget
  2. Vacant Positions
  3. Open Requisitions
  4. Recruitment Time
  5. Recruitment Cost
  6. Relocation Cost
  7. Applicants/Applications
  8. Retention % New Hire vs LOS
  9. New Hire vs 1st Performance Appraisal

Human Capital KPIs

  1. Distribution
  2. Distribution by Project
  3. New Hire
  4. Inductions/Probations
  5. Terminations
  6. Transfers
  7. Promotions
  8. Turnovers
  9. Exits – Organization Wise
  10. Voluntary Exits
  11. Non Voluntary Exits
  12. Division Wise Exits
  13. Experience Wise Exits
  14. Head Count
  15. Organization Wise Count
  16. Experience Wise Count
  17. Gender Wise Count
  18. Workforce Turnover Report
  19. Workforce Headcount Report
  20. Organization Wise Exit Interview Count

Budget / Remuneration KPIs

  1. Budget / Cost by Organization Unit
  2. Budget / Cost by Project
  3. Budget / Cost by Compensation Type
  4. Total Cost by Pay Period
  5. Variances
  6. Provisions & Accruals

Leave KPIs

  1. Scheduled Leaves
  2. Unscheduled Leaves
  3. Leave Distribution
  4. Leave Cost
  5. Sick Leave
  6. Lost Time Distribution
  7. Accrued Leaves
  8. Carryover Leaves
  9. Workforce Absenteeism Reasons

Time KPIs

  1. Regular Time, Overtime & On Call
  2. Absent Time Distribution
  3. Lost Time
  4. Time Comparison by Pay Period
  5. Labor Distribution
  6. Workforce Utilization Report

Training KPIs

  1. Planned Training
  2. Training Cost
  3. Training Hours per Employee
  4. Training Course Satisfaction
  5. Training Course Attendance
  6. Training Outcome Assessment
  7. Internal Vs External Training
  8. Learning Centers

Incident/Injuries KPIs

  1. Employee Reported Incidents
  2. Injuries
  3. Lost Time Due to Injuries
  4. Cost of Injuries

KPI Summary

  1. Total Employee Count
  2. Year To Date New Hires
  3. Year to Date Transfers
  4. Employees on Leave Next Month
  5. Year to Date Promotions
  6. Year to Date Total Lost Hours
  7. Total Organization Units
  8. Total Activity Line Staff
  9. Total Active Employees
  10. Year to Date Voluntary Terminations
  11. Year to Date Applicants
  12. Turnover Rate
  13. Employees with Performance Plan
  14. Year to Date Total Productive Hours
  15. Employees with Health Plan
  16. Total Active Supervisors
  17. Total Inactive Employees
  18. Year to Date Involuntary Terminations
  19. Employees on Leave
  20. Year to Date Incidents
  21. Employees with No Performance Plan
  22. Year to Date Absent Hours
  23. Employees with No Health Plan
  24. Total Active Managers

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