
Employer Management

 Employer Management

The Interact SSAS Employer Management module is designed to give the Social Security Administration additional controls and sophisticated tools to manage the registration, activation and deactivation of Employer Status.   The module enables the user to define in detail the reasons for activation, deactivation or rejection of activation of an Employer.

In the General Setup, the user can configure a multi-segmented Employer ID number format to identify any Employer.  In addition, the General Setup allows the user to identify the Documents required to Register and to Activate an Employer.  The numbering to be used for Activation Requests and Inactivation Requests is flexible, as well as the Workflow for Registration, Activation and Inactivation.


Figure 1: Employer Management General Setup

Employer Management General Setup

Figure 2: Employer Management Documents Required

There is no limit on the number and type of Documents which can be required for any of the processes of Employer Registration, Employer Activation or Employer Deactivation.  These are decided by the Social Security Administration and are completely configurable.


Figure 3: Employer Reasons List

When processing a request, the user can select from any number of predefined Reasons for Registration, Activation and Deactivation.  These Reasons will first be defined as part of the general framework and policy setup.  As a result, the system can then enforce the relevant policies and associate specific processes and workflow with it.

Figure 4: Activate Employer Request

Once the Employer Management framework is fully configured, the system can enforce the workflow and ensure that Employers are only Registered, Activated and Deactivated in line with the Social Security Administration’s policies.  Various stakeholders will be able to submit requests for Activation or Deactivation and the appropriate authorized user will then be able to process the Activation or Deactivation Request and have it approved by the Supervisor or Manager as required.

The Employer Management module is seamlessly integrated with Compliance Management and Delinquency Management so that any action taken as a result of the Compliance and Delinquency processes can also have the effect of Activating or Deactivating an Employer’s Status.

Similar processes exist for Employers who are issued Employer Social Security Registration Numbers and Employer Identification Numbers.


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