
Recruitment & Hiring

In order to hire Employees in Interact HRMS, you can first go through a Recruitment process or you may skip this step all together and go straight to the Quick Hire screen where you can hire a new Employee in one single screen.

The Recruitment Module offers a powerful Requisition based Recruitment system, fully integrated with many other Interact modules like Contract & Hiring Management, Unified Employee Electronic Record, Onboarding, Compensation and Payroll, Organization Unit Self-Service, Employee Self-Service, Applicant Self-Service and many more applications.   Applicants can apply for jobs online by creating a Profile and then logging in using Applicant Self-Service.  HR users will be able to review Applications, assign them for Assessment and schedule Interviews.  These Interviews are then conducted using standardized Job-Specific Interview Questions and the results are entered online so everyone involved in the Recruitment Process can access the information they should be able to access so decisions can be made quickly based on the right information.

Using the Contract and Hiring Management module, users can also hire Temporary Staff, Contractors or Independent Consultants and track all relevant information including the expiry of their Contracts and the Terms of the Contract.  Both Offer Letters and Contracts can be generated based on predefined templates.

Benefits Management

Benefits Management is designed to support advanced Benefits Administration and allows the user to define unlimited types and numbers of Health and Welfare Benefits as well as Retirement Benefits.  Employee eligibility will be determined based on the defined policies for the defined benefits and Employees are able to enroll or exit from Benefit Plans through Self-Service.  Changes in coverage and Life Event changes can be sent directly to Benefit Carriers using the HR-XML Web Services.

Leave & Time Management

Leave and Time management offers you an incredibly deep set of modules which extend into Resources Scheduling, Software Clock, Attendance Clock and Access Control Management and much more.  Timesheets with or without Labor Distribution, with the ability to track time (and therefore cost) at the Activity level, for a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly period.  Timesheets can be kept in hours and even days, and entered by Employees, Supervisors, or Time Entry Clerks or anyone else involved in collecting, reviewing, approving and processing time-records.  Timesheets can be polled directly from Biometric Time Devices, imported from Excel Sheets, keyed in manually or generated automatically by the system based on the Work Schedule of the Employee.  The Software Clock allows Employees to Clock In and Out from their Desk or from any other location and Clock In/Out for a specific Client, Project or Activity.  Resources Scheduling allows you to define unlimited types and numbers of 24/7 shifts to assign Employees to the correct Shift and generate their Work Schedules.  Work Schedules can be generated for specific Teams, to work in a specific Location, for a specific Client or Project and using specific Equipment.

Leave Management allows Employees to request Leave using Self-Service and for Supervisors, Organization Unit heads and HR staff to approve or reject Leave requests.

Compensation & Payroll

Interact’s Compensation and Payroll modules are second to none in their flexibility, depth of functionality, technology, ease of use, and level of integration.  Because all Interact modules are 100% Policy-Driven, the same also applies to Compensation and Payroll, where policies can be defined as per the organization’s internal policies and in full compliance with the local labor laws.  Compensation Policies are organized in different categories, each with their own unique definition elements and behavior, these include Earnings, Allowances, Benefits, Deductions, Commissions, Bonuses, Expenses and Taxes.  Each may behave differently and have its own calculation methods which can be based on rate-tables, a function of time, a function of basic salary, or an  mathematical expression or script using any variable in the database to obtain the right calculation.   Interact Payroll is a global Payroll application which can be configured to support any country.  It is unique in that the same Payroll Engine is used across the world thanks to its unique flexibility.   Interact Payroll supports four distinct types of Payroll Cycle: the Normal Payroll Cycle, the Off-Cycle Payroll, the Retrotractive Payroll and the Final Payroll.  Each cycle can have its own attributes and be run independently but all are seamlessly integrated so that for example: transactions processed in an Off-Cycle Payroll Run are not repeated again in the Normal Payroll Cycle.

Interact’s Compensation and Payroll modules also include a powerful Loan Management module, Expense Management module, a very flexible Commissions Management module and many other tools to handle complex Payroll requirements.

Organization & Job Classification

Organization Management and Job Classification are the building blocks of any enterprise HRMS.  In Interact HRMS they are used to build a foundation and create a logical structure in the system which will then enable the user to define policies that are linked with specific Organization Units and Jobs (or Job Groups, Job Families, Job Categories etc.).


There’s a wealth of information which can be put into the application to more accurately define Organization Units and Jobs and this will allow you to increase the automation and streamlining of your HR processes.  Organization Management provides a powerful tool to define any number of Organization Units and create a Matrix Reporting Structure which can be used when generating Organization Charts on the fly.  Organization Units can be defined with their own Performance Goals and Performance Strategic Goals.  Job Classification allows you to define a clear structure in your list of Jobs in the organization to subsequently use this logic when defining Compensation Policies, Leave Policies, Training Courses, Competencies, Career Plans, and much more.  The rule in Interact is simple: while you don’t need to have all the content ready to be able to use the system, the more logic and structure you can create, the more the system can do for you afterwards.

Talent Management

Interact’s Talent Management suite consists of five key applications which are seamlessly integrated and all share the same base information: Competency Management, Performance Management, Training Management, Succession Planning and Career Planning.  Many modules can be used independently and on their own, but the real power is in the flexibility of configuration of each module and the seamless integration between all the various Talent Management modules.  Competency Management allows the user to define any number of Competencies and group them into Competency Tiers.  Typically up to nine Competency Tiers can be defined to support all types of Competencies from Personal Effectiveness Competencies all the way to Leadership Competencies.   Once the Competency Framework has been defined, the user can identify how these Competencies are typicaly obtained, either through self-learning, on-the-job-training, or maybe through specific Training Courses or even higher education degrees.  For each Competency the required Proficiency Levels can be defined that coincide with the required Behavioral Indicators.   Using the Competency Framework a Job Analysis can be done which will create a Competency Profile of a Job, based on which Performance Appraisals can be done, Training Plans can be devised, and decisions can be made regarding Career and Succession Planning for the Employee.

Self Service

Interact HRMS offers Self-Service at more levels than any other HRIS today.  Interact HRMS Self- Service exists at five different levels: Employee Self-Service, Organization Unit Self-Service, Applicant Self-Service, External Recruiter Self-Service and Client Self-Service.  Each access level has its own logic and all are designed with the premise of reducing the administrative workload for HR and Payroll staff and allowing Employees, Managers, Supervisors, Department Heads, Recruiters, Applicants and Clients to more efficiently communicate with each other and with the HR and Payroll departments in order to speed up the processing of critical information.  All Self-Service users can access their own information which they are authorized to see and can play a role in any Workflow Activity that is assigned to them.  Self-Service changes the way an organization works where the people closest to the “action” are going to have the ability to manage it through the HRMS application.

Support Applications

Since Interact HRMS is a tightly integrated suite of enterprise applications, all applications or modules share the same foundation and the same architecture.  This includes the System Manager, Workflow, Report Writing, Web Services, Workflow Management, Alerts, Active Directory Integration, Email Management and Mass Updates.  All of these applications provide Support to the functional modules of Interact HRMS to provide an intuitive and powerfully simple way to manage your HR, Payroll, Time, Benefit and Talent Management needs.

Vertical Solutions

In addition to standard “horizontal” applications which apply to all industries and all types of companies across the world, Interact HRMS also offers specific applications designed for specific ‘vertical” markets.  These products are always designed in a way that allows them to be used in another context too even when they are specifically geared to one vertical.  Residency Management allows you to manage Medical Residency Programs as part of Continuing Medical Education programs and uses the extensive functionality of Interact for Recruitment, Performance Management, Training Management, Scheduling, Time & Attendance, Disciplinary Actions, Health & Safety, Self Service and many more modules to enable Continuing Medical Education to be managed more efficiently.

For Research Organizations which track Salary/Labor Cost for specific Grant-Funded Projects, the Grants Management solution allows for defining unlimited number of Grants, Donors and Grant Agreements.  Unlimited Grant Budget Categories and Budget Items can be defined and ultimately linked directly to the Payroll.  This will allow Employees to allocate time worked against specific Grants/Projects and the Budget will be adjusted automatically as Payroll is run and booked against the Budget.  In addition, the system will alert the user if there are no more funds left for a Project and an Employee is trying to book cost against the Project.

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