

2Interact, Inc. is a global firm focused on delivering cutting edge technology in the field of human resources and social security with a focus on providing a very user-friendly web-based employee experience.  Its management and engineering staff as well as consultants have been involved in sophisticated technology projects around the world for the past 45 years.  Prior to its focus on Interact HRMS and Interact SSAS, 2Interact’s engineering team was heavily involved in the development, implementation, and deployment of large Academic and Administrative Information systems for Higher Educational Institutions and Hospital Information Systems. Projects successfully executed during the past 35 years vary in size, industry, and complexity. Using our extensive business domain knowledge – Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Healthcare Administration, Education and HE Management, Logistics Management, large software development methodologies, and wide-ranging knowledge of both old and new software development technologies, we have developed innovative products and services that are very focused and unmatched in the technology marketplace.

Guiding Principles

There is no end to innovation. Innovating is a work of love, passion, and care that requires holding two contradictory ideas and still being able to function, and constantly unlearning the old and learning the new. Power is in people who have a great desire to contribute, create, and innovate. Making money is not our primary goal, but the byproduct of what we create, do, and achieve

Technology and People

We believe in open source technology, and our products are all developed using PhP, XML, C++, and MySQL. Additionally, our software engineering team is well versed in both old and new technologies. Our R&D is focused on developing and enhancing Interact HRMS applications.  In cases where clients require interfaces to legacy applications, we can develop and support interfaces to these legacy applications using the relevant old technologies, and develop software products for clients using the technology required by the client.  2Interact’s developers are located around the world and cover all time zones to ensure that we provide optimal service to our customers. In addition, we have a pool of consultants with extensive software engineering and technology experience that we can call on for special projects.

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