

The Employer Social Security Registration Number or ESSRN is a unique number which can be used for all interactions and transactions regarding Social Security.  The ESSRN Application process is used to enable Employers to register with the Social Security Administration and this unique number without having to visit the SS Administration offices.

Since the laws and regulations regarding Social Security differ in each country, the types of unique Identification Numbers used by Employers when transacting with the Social Security Administration will be different in most countries.

Some countries may issue Employer IDs which may also be used when interacting with different government entities while a very specific Employer ID will be issued for those matters related to Social Security.

The Employer Social Security Registration Number (“ESSRN”) Application allows any new Employer to request a ESSRN online using e-Services and receive notification once the Application is approved and processed.

    • Online Application Form for Managing Employer Social Security Registration Number Applications.
    • Employer Social Security Registration Applications can be Applied by Employer using E-services or can be Created Internally Using System Login.
    • Supports Attaching of Relevant Supporting Documents.
    • Supports Role-Based Approval Workflow.
    • Data Will Automatically Flow to Employer Electronic Record.
    • Captures Employer and Employee Data.

Submitting an ESSRN Application as Employer

Employers can log into their e-Services and initiate an ESSRN Application and start completing all the fields.

The form will capture standard information about the Employer and also allow the Employer to submit information about their Economic Activity, Legal Form, Owner Information and Employee Information.

Once the Application is complete, the Employer will Submit it so it can be processed by the Social Security Administration.

Adding New ESSRN Application

The Internal User within the Social Security Administration will find a list of all ESSRN Applications. The applications include those that are added through the system directly and those that are submitted by the Employers from their own e-Services accounts.

If the ESSRN Application was submitted by an Employer through e-Services, it can be accessed from the above list and processed from there on.

Otherwise, if the ESSRN Application was submitted manually on paper at the Social Security Administration office, then an internal user with the Social Security Administration can initiate a new ESSRN Application by clicking on the above button and completing the ESSRN Application with the data that was submitted manually.

Managing Employees

Employers or the Internal User within the Social Security Administration can add Employees as required to make sure the entire record for the Employer is accurate.

    • Adding or Updating an Employer’s employees is done from the “Employees” tab.
    • If the application is from Employer side, the employees may be added by him/her.
    • If the application is created by SSA internal user, then the Social Security Officer must add the employees by using this tab.

Updating ESSRN Application

    • By Clicking on the Update button beside the ESSRN application SSA user wants to edit. System will redirect him/her to the corresponding ESSRN application form.

Rejecting an ESSRN Application

The user can Select the predefined “ESSRN Application Rejection Reason” list to record the Reason for Rejection so this can be tracked in reports for future steps to be taken.

Approving and Issuing ESSRN Application

The SSA Internal User will be able to Approve the application and then subsequently issue the ESSRN.

SSA Internal user will then Issue ESSRN for the Employer.

After the ESSRN is Approved, the Employer’s Certificate and Letter will be issued.


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