
ID Card Management

Interact SSAS allows the user to create and print Social Security ID Cards directly from the system to the card printer.  This way, when new individuals register (or existing ones require a new card) it is easy to generate a new card on the spot for the individual.

The entire setup for the ID Cards is configurable, including the content, layout and design of the cards.

The application allows you to define different formats for different ID Cards, depending on the need of the Social Security Administration.

Figure 1: ID Card Setup

In order to be able to use the ID Card capabilities, the user first needs to setup the basic parameters in terms of fonts, font sizes, card numbering etc.

Figure 2: Badge Format Definition

Next, the Setup of Interact SSAS allows you to define any number of Badge Formats and choose all content, layout, colors, fonts etc. that should be used.  Once you have the preferred layout and content for your Badge Format, you can save it and use it whenever this type of Badge should be issued.

There is no limit on the number and type of Badge Formats as the same functionality can be used for different formats of Social Security Card, or National IDs, Health Cards etc.

Figure 1: Menu for Social Security ID Cards

In order to manage the ID cards in the system, the user just access the menu as shown above.

Figure 2: Listing of Social Security Badge Requests

The system will display Social Security Badge Requests in the system already and allow the user to initiate new ones.

Figure 3: Social Security Badge Request

When the user clicks the New button, a new form will open and user can add relevant details.  The user can then Preview the Badge to make sure it is accurate and afterwards print both Front and Back to the Card Printer.

The form includes:

  • Badge Format – select the badge format from the list (mandatory)
  • Badge Request Number – system will automatically generate the request number.
  • Employee Name – choose an employee name using search in the field. (mandatory)
  • Social Security Number – system will automatically display the SSN while selecting the Employee Name.
  • Applicant Type – system will automatically display the applicant type.
  • Requested by Employee – choose an employee name using the search
  • Request Date – choose a request date using date picker
  • Employee image side text – provide image side text
  • Badge/ID Card View – the badge view will display here
  • Activity And Status
    • Approved by Employee – choose the employee who approved the request
    • Date Approved – provide the date using date picker
    • Issue by – choose the employee who issued the request
    • Date Issued – provide the date using date picker (mandatory)
    • Rejected by – choose the employee who rejected the request
    • Rejection Date – provide the date using date picker
    • Rejection Reason – select the reason from the list
    • Status – select based on the status
      • Pending
      • Approved
      • Cancelled
        • Issued
        • Rejected

Social Security ID Cards

Interact SSAS provides the ability to produce Cards or Badges for various purposes in a social security context.  These Cards are usually printed by a specific Card Printer and the system is able to send the required information directly to the Card Printer to avoid the need for separate interfaces or data entry, thereby eliminating any room for mistakes.

The format, content and look & feel of the Cards is fully configurable and therefore set by each Social Security Administration as they like.

The same capability can be used to produce other cards for National ID, Registration Cards, Health Cards or for other purposes.

    • Badge ID is used to issue an Employee Social Security Card.
    • Client can Setup their own ID format.
    • Client May add Different Formats, i.e. Format for Specific Types of Individuals such as Employees vs. Voluntary Contributors etc.
    • Seamlessly Integrated with Employee’s Profile.
    • Integrated with Workflows as Required.

Create an ID Badge Request

    • SSA Officer User Can Find a Table / Listing with all Badge Requests Submitted through the System or Can Issue a New One
    • User can use the search fields to select an Employer or Press “New” to add new Reinstatement Request.

After reviewing the format and the content of the Social Security ID Card, the user can approve issuing the Card.   The process of Approving the Request and Issuing the Card is fully configurable and can be managed through Workflow.

The system will maintain a copy of the Card online at all times.

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