
Registration Management

Interact SSAS – Registration Management

General Summary

Interact SSAS – Registration Management is a comprehensive module that enables individuals and organizations to register and request access to the eServices portal of the Social Security Administration. Interact SSAS facilitates secure transactions and communications while ensuring data integrity, workflow automation, and compliance with regulatory requirements. The module supports the registration of Employees (including Medical Doctors), Voluntary Contributors, Self-Employed individuals, Survivors, Employers (including Healthcare Providers), and Financial Institutions, ensuring seamless integration with other Social Security Administration services.  Healthcare Providers and Medical Doctors play in a special role in the system due to their role medical benefit processes.

Features and Processes

e-Services Access Requests

  • Enables Individuals and Employers to request access to the eServices web portal.
  • Supports various user profiles:
    • Employee
    • Self-Employed
    • Voluntary Contributor
    • Survivor
    • Employer (including Healthcare Providers)
    • Financial Institution
  • Customizable registration forms based on local requirements.
  • Data collected is reflected across all system modules to prevent duplicate entries.
  • Workflow and required documents are configurable in the General Setup.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is implemented for enhanced security.

Registration Forms

Employee e-Services Access Request / Registration Form

  • Collects basic demographic data and supporting documents.
  • Implements logic-based fields (e.g., requiring a marriage certificate if married).
  • Detects potential duplicates via the Similar User Accounts feature.
  • Allows Social Security Administration to review, approve, and issue credentials.

Self-Employed e-Services Access Request / Registration Form

  • Captures demographic data and supporting documents.
  • Requires reporting of Declared Earnings per legislation.
  • Uses International Standard Industry Codes (ISIC) for classification and reporting.

Voluntary Contributor e-Services Access Request / Registration Form

  • Collects demographic data, past employer details, and earnings history.
  • Requires Declared Earnings for the last fiscal year for future contribution determination.

Survivor e-Services Access Request / Registration Form

  • Collects survivor demographics and deceased person’s information.
  • Updates relationships within the system and flags the deceased if necessary.
  • Allows guardians to apply on behalf of minor survivors based on applicable regulations.

Employer e-Services Access Request / Registration Form

  • Collects business details, contact person information, banking details, employee count, and economic activity classification.
  • Uses ISIC for industry classification.
  • Reviewed by Social Security Administration before issuing credentials.
  • Additional details are collected during Employer Social Security Registration Number processing

Financial Institution e-Services Access Requests / Registration Form

  • Enables financial institutions to register and receive payment files for benefit claims processing.

Application for Registration as an Employee

  • Employees can report new employment to the system.
  • Routed to employers for confirmation of details such as job title, start date, salary, etc.
  • If it is a first-time employment, it may trigger Social Security Number (SSN) issuance.
  • Links employee with the employer and updates employment history.

Information Change Request

  • Allows users to request updates to personal details (e.g., Date of Birth, Address, Marriage Details).
  • Supporting documents may be required based on change type.
  • Changes are verified and approved by the Social Security Administration.
  • Users may update certain details (e.g., Address, Spouse info) via their Profile, subject to approval.

Review and Approval of Submitted Registrations

  • Social Security Administration staff can review all submitted forms and supporting documents.
  • System tools detect duplicate accounts (e.g., same name and birth date).
  • All submitted data undergoes thorough verification before approval.
  • User credentials (username and password) can be generated automatically or manually during approval.

Rejection of Submitted Registrations

  • Staff can review and reject applications if necessary.
  • Reasons for rejection are communicated to applicants.
  • A detailed audit trail tracks rejected applications.

Automatic Linking and System Updates

  • Approved registrations link individuals with employers and update system records.
  • Survivors are linked with the deceased, and the deceased status is updated.
  • Employment history updates whenever an employee changes jobs.
  • Minor survivors can have linked guardian accounts if needed.

Customizable Workflow for Registrations

  • Each registration type has a configurable workflow.
  • Steps, approval sequences, and rules are defined in the General Setup.
  • Registration types support multiple processing stages (pending, approved, rejected, etc.).

Mandatory and Optional Attachments for Forms

  • Each form supports mandatory or optional attachments (e.g., ID verification, financial statements).
  • Attachments are managed through the Document Management and Tracking module.
  • Specific document requirements vary by country and user type.

Industry-Specific Classification for Reporting

  • Employers and Self-Employed individuals classified using multi-level ISIC codes.
  • Enables detailed economic activity reporting and policy analysis.

Real-Time Status Tracking and Notifications

  • Applicants can track registration status via the portal.
  • System provides notifications and alerts throughout the registration and approval process.
  • Employer approvals for new employees trigger notifications to both parties.

Historical Records and Audit Trail

  • Detailed history of registrations, updates, and profile changes.
  • Audit logs ensure transparency and accountability.
  • Includes time-stamped records of approvals, rejections, and changes.

Integration with Other Modules

  • Registration data is linked with Contribution, Benefit, and Claims Management modules.
  • Ensures seamless information flow across the system, reducing redundant data entry.
  • Employers can manage employee registrations directly from their portal dashboard.

Security Enhancements

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) via AWS Pinpoint for password reset and login security.
  • System validation checks for identity verification and fraud detection.

Employer and Financial Institution Registration Management

  • Employers can update company details, economic activity, and banking information.
  • Financial institutions receive secure access to benefit payment processing.
  • Employers must provide verified business registration documents for approval.

Employee and Self-Employed Account Management

  • Self-service options allow users to update personal information.
  • Self-employed individuals can report income changes and adjust contributions accordingly.
  • Automated validation of employer-employee relationships upon registration

Detailed Overview with Screenshots

Registration Management

There are different types of Registration in Interact SSAS to support the different concepts which apply in this context.

  1. e-Services Access Requests: these are used to obtain access to the Interact SSAS portal so the Individual or Employer can start communicating and transacting with the Social Security Administration.
  2. General Registrations: these are used to link existing individuals, who are already registered, to particular employers or to obtain specific Identification Numbers.

Below we will first cover those Registrations which lead first of all to access to the Social Security Administrations web-portal, i.e. the e-Services Access Requests afterwards we’ll look at the additional Registrations which take place when the individuals and organizations are already registered in the system.

In order for anyone to access the Social Security Administration’s portal, they will first need to be registered in the system and have user credentials.

To register, they can go to the main portal page and select the type of access they are requesting and then complete the corresponding form, attach any mandatory documents and submit their registration.

The different types of access or user profiles in Interact SSAS are mainly:

  • Employee
  • Self-Employed
  • Voluntary Contributor
  • Survivor
  • Employer (including Healthcare Providers)
  • Financial Institution

Each one of the above will have their own required data to be provided in order for the applicant to be registered and given access to the Social Security Portal.

The Registration Forms are user-defined and typically customized for the particular local context in which they are used.

The data collected in these Registration forms will automatically be reflected in the system in the Individual or Employer’s Profile and throughout the various modules of Interact SSAS wherever necessary.  One of the key principles of Interact SSAS is that no data ever needs to be entered more than once, so all data collected at this early stage will be available in the system anytime and anywhere.

Once the Registrations or e-Services Access Request Forms are received, the appropriate user in the Social Security Administration will be able to process the Access Request Form and issue User Credentials so each Individual or Employer will be able to access their own e-Services Portal.

The Workflow and Documents required for each form are defined in the General Setup under the Application Form tab.

  • Employee e-Services Access Request Form

Figure 1: Individual Access Request Form

The above form is as it appears to an end-user individual who wants to request access as a regular employee.  Basic demographic data is collected and a few mandatory supporting documents are to be attached by the user.  Note that the form can have underlying logic such as making a marriage certificate mandatory in case the registrant indicates their civil status as married or making a maiden name mandatory in case a female registrant indicates being married.

Figure 2: Employee e-Services Access Request Form Approval

The above screen shows a user from the Social Security Administration reviewing and approving an e-Services Access Request Form/Registration and issuing user credentials.  Note the box which lists Similar User Accounts and indicates that another Individual with the same name and birth-date is already registered.  This gives the user the opportunity to investigate further first before approving the registration or to proceed in case it has been determined that it is a pure coincidence.

All data submitted by the registrant can be reviewed by the Social Security Administration user and any documents that were attached can be reviewed in detail.

  • Self-Employed e-Services Access Request 

Figure 3: Individual Access Request Form for Self-Employed

The Self-Employed will be able to fill a similar form as that one for regular Employees with the main difference being that Self-Employed individuals typically need to report their Declared Earnings for one of the most recent previous Fiscal Years as this information is used to determine their future contributions.

Figure 4: Self Employed e-Services Access Request Processing Form

Once the Access Request Registration form has been received online by the correct user in the Social Security Administration, then it can be processed quickly.  In the case of a Self-Employed individual, the economic activity which was provided by the individual during registration can be further classified based on International Standard Industry Codes so that the administration can produce better reports and analyze its data more effectively.

  • Voluntary Contributor e-Services Access Request / Registration

Figure 5: Voluntary Contributor e-Services Access Request Form

Voluntary Contributor Registration Forms differ mostly from regular Employee Registration forms in that they capture past Employer data and earnings information and also capture the Declared Earnings for the most recent fiscal year for this Contributor.  This information will then be used to determine the appropriate contribution the Voluntary Contributor will need to make from that moment onwards.

  • Survivor e-Services Access Request Form

Figure 5: Survivor e-Services Request Form Approval

Survivors, who don’t have a Social Security Number yet, can initiate the process to obtain their Survivor Benefits by registering on the portal and requesting e-Services Access.  In order to do so, they will have to not only provide their own demographics but also information on the deceased person as shown above.

  • Employer Registration

Figure 6: Employer e-Services Access Request Form

Employers can register for the first time online by providing basic demographic details, as well as banking information, an employee count, business license details and a description of their economic activity.  These documents will be reviewed afterwards by the Social Security Administration prior to approving the request and then issuing user credentials.


Figure 7: Employer e-Services Access Request Approval Form

When the user in the Social Security Administration reviews and processes the e-Services Access Request Form from the employer, they will be able to verify the documents which were included in the application and specify the exact economic activity by using the multi-level International Standard Industry Codes so that future reporting can be analyzed by Economic Activity using the ISIC Section, Division, Group and Class.

  • Financial Institution e-Services Access Requests

Figure 8: Financial Institution e-Services Access Request Form

Because Financial Institutions play a unique role in the context of social security, they have a separate access and profile in the Interact SSAS system.  While on the one hand they are Employers just like all other Employers, they also hold accounts for individuals, employers and possibly even for the Social Security Administration.  As a Financial Institution they are therefore able to receive payment files from the Social Security Administration which will allow them to process the Benefit Claims Payments which are meant for the wider population.

For this reason, their Role in the system is unique and as a result their Registration is also separate from the rest.

  • Application for Registration as an Employee

It is important for many reasons that the Social Security Administration has the correct information as to which Employees are employed by which Employer.  This information can be gathered in various ways: either by the Employee reporting it or by the Employer reporting it.

If an Employee wants to report a new engagement or job with a new Employer, they can do so by filling in an “Application for Registration as Employee”.  This Application will then be routed first to the Employer for confirmation, using the Employer’s e-Services, to confirm that the individual is truly a new Employee and to verify the Employee’s job title, start date, starting pay and pay frequency.

The Employer can quickly verify and confirm the information and then proceed by “Posting” the Application to the Social Security Administration, without having to do any data-entry themselves.

If this is the first time an Individual reports being employed, and if the country’s social security laws dictate that Social Security Numbers are only issued upon initial employment, then this Application for Registration as Employee will ultimately be converted by the system into a Social Security Number Application also.

Once this is processed, the system will automatically link the Employee with this Employer and from now on all records will show the Employee-Employer relationship and the Employee’s Employment History will also be updated.

Figure 9: Employee’s e-Services Portal View

In the above e-Services Portal View you can see how an Individual can access a menu to Register as an Employee with a particular Employer.  Once the Employee clicks on the menu, they will be taken to the following screen to be filled in.

Figure 10: Registration as Employee with Employer

The individual can fill in the above form online, and submit it.  They only need to provide the information that is mandatory, which is highlighted in bold and blue.

Figure 11: [Continued] Registration as Employee with Employer

Additional country-specific questions are asked in the above form so this information can be captured and verified prior to the registration of the employee as in some countries an individual who registers for the first time as an employee will get assigned their first Social Security Number also at this point.

After submitting this form, it will be routed to the Employer who can review and confirm online through their own e-Services that the Employee is indeed working with the Employer, in which case the Registration will be forwarded to the Social Security Administration for online processing.

Social Security eService Request

eServices are used to implement Self-Service for the various actors in Interact SSAS.

The eServices enable social security services consumers to access the system over the Internet and access the social security administration's services.  The self-service options supported by eServices include:

  • Employer Self-Service
  • Employee Self-Service (Including Employees, Voluntary Contributors and Self-Employed)
  • Pensioner Self-Service
  • Survivor Self-Service
  • Financial Institution Self-Service



Users can find the eService request link in the home page.

Once the user clicks on the link of “Social Security” at the home page, the system will direct the user to select the type of Registration which reflects their role in the system.

By selecting their registration type, the user will be directed to the appropriate request form.

Once the user has fully completed the eServices request form and attached all the required supporting documents, the user will be able to review and edit the request form before submitting it to SSA.

After the request is submitted to the social security administration, an authorized user at the SSA can review the request and Approve or Reject it.

To process the requests, the SSA-users will receive a notification on their internal user Dashboard or Workbench to see the new pending requests.  The user can also see from their activity menu which are the new eServices Requests submitted to SSA.

The SSA internal user will be able to filter and check specific criteria for example Type = ”Employer” Or Status=”Under Review” to better identify the right transactions to focus on.

The social security administration user can then select an actor’s Request by clicking on their  name and so that the request will open.

In some cases, the social security administration user may need to add additional information or correct something in the original submission prior to processing the eServices Request.

One such example could be updating the classification for an Employer’s Economic Activity in case of registration as an employer.

During the final approval step, the social security admin user will have the choice to enter the user credentials manually or it can be system generated, depending on how the system has been configured at the outset.

Once approval has been processed, the approved user can instantly start using their eServices to start issuing requests to the social security administration, including requests for SSN/EIN, submit claims or check their Contributions, Payment History, Benefit Statements, etc.

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Registration information Change Requests

In order to protect the data-integrity of all demographic data for individuals, Interact SSAS has a airtight method to ensure that all data is as accurate as possible at all times.

Accuracy is best achieved if each individual can review and confirm their own data and can alert the social security authority if there are any inaccuracies or changes which need to be corrected.

The Interact SSAS portal allows individuals to see their demographic data and submit Registration Information Change Requests which can be due to incorrect original data-entry or due to changes in circumstances.

The request for change can be issued by the individual through e-Services, with accompanying supporting documents, and once approved, the data will automatically be updated as per the information provided by the individual.  There is no need for manual corrections to be done as the system will automatically update the records with the data that has been approved.

Note that any such changes will be kept in an audit trail to ensure that the chain of events which led to the change is documented and can be retrieved in case of an audit or other cases.

Key Features

  • Online Application Form for Changing an Individual’s Registration information.
  • Submitted by Individuals or by SSA Internal user.
  • Allows Changes to all Regular Demographic Information.
  • Seamlessly Integrated with the Individual’s Profile.
  • Workflow Driven.

Adding New Registration Information Change Requests

    • Request can be Issued through e-Services by Individual or directly in the system by Internal User at Social Security Administration
    • User can find a table/ list which includes the change requests that have already been submitted through the system.
    • The requests include those that are created by SSA internal User/Officer and those that are submitted by Individuals.

Changes can be requested for Name, Address, Place of Birth or Date of Birth.

Updating Registration Information Change Request

    • Below is the Registration Information Change Request form as accessed by an individual through e-Services
    • SSA users can find a table/ list of “Registration Information Change Requests" that are already submitted through the system.
    • If a user wants to update a request, then he/she will click on update button beside the change request.
    • The change requests can only be updated before Approval/ Rejection.

Deleting Registration Information Change Request

    • SSA user can delete a request by clicking on “delete” icon beside the request that he/she needs to delete in the “registration information change” table list.

Approving Registration Information Change Request

    • To approve the Request, SSA user should change the Status as “Approved” and select who approved the change request in “Approved by” field and Choose “Approval date”.
    • By Clicking on “Update” button the request will be approved and changes will be automatically applied to requester’s profile.

  • A success message “Registration Change Request” Updated Successfully” will display at the top of the page.


    • To Reject a request, user should change the Status into “Rejected” and Specify the Rejection Reason from the predefined Rejection Reason list (this list is defined based on Client’s requirements). User who rejected the request will be selected and displayed in “Rejected by” field and “Rejection date” will also be selected and saved.

  • As the “Registration change request” is rejected, the individual details will not be changed.

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Employer Social Security Registration Application

The Employer Social Security Registration Number or ESSRN is a unique number which can be used for all interactions and transactions regarding Social Security.  The ESSRN Application process is used to enable Employers to register with the Social Security Administration and this unique number without having to visit the SS Administration offices.

Since the laws and regulations regarding Social Security differ in each country, the types of unique Identification Numbers used by Employers when transacting with the Social Security Administration will be different in most countries.

Some countries may issue Employer IDs which may also be used when interacting with different government entities while a very specific Employer ID will be issued for those matters related to Social Security.

The Employer Social Security Registration Number ("ESSRN") Application allows any new Employer to request a ESSRN online using e-Services and receive notification once the Application is approved and processed.

    • Online Application Form for Managing Employer Social Security Registration Number Applications.
    • Employer Social Security Registration Applications can be Applied by Employer using E-services or can be Created Internally Using System Login.
    • Supports Attaching of Relevant Supporting Documents.
    • Supports Role-Based Approval Workflow.
    • Data Will Automatically Flow to Employer Electronic Record.
    • Captures Employer and Employee Data.

Submitting an ESSRN Application as Employer

Employers can log into their e-Services and initiate an ESSRN Application and start completing all the fields.

The form will capture standard information about the Employer and also allow the Employer to submit information about their Economic Activity, Legal Form, Owner Information and Employee Information.

Once the Application is complete, the Employer will Submit it so it can be processed by the Social Security Administration.

Adding New ESSRN Application

The Internal User within the Social Security Administration will find a list of all ESSRN Applications. The applications include those that are added through the system directly and those that are submitted by the Employers from their own e-Services accounts.

If the ESSRN Application was submitted by an Employer through e-Services, it can be accessed from the above list and processed from there on.

Otherwise, if the ESSRN Application was submitted manually on paper at the Social Security Administration office, then an internal user with the Social Security Administration can initiate a new ESSRN Application by clicking on the above button and completing the ESSRN Application with the data that was submitted manually.

Managing Employees

Employers or the Internal User within the Social Security Administration can add Employees as required to make sure the entire record for the Employer is accurate.

    • Adding or Updating an Employer’s employees is done from the “Employees” tab.
    • If the application is from Employer side, the employees may be added by him/her.
    • If the application is created by SSA internal user, then the Social Security Officer must add the employees by using this tab.

Updating ESSRN Application

    • By Clicking on the Update button beside the ESSRN application SSA user wants to edit. System will redirect him/her to the corresponding ESSRN application form.

Rejecting an ESSRN Application

The user can Select the predefined “ESSRN Application Rejection Reason” list to record the Reason for Rejection so this can be tracked in reports for future steps to be taken.

Approving and Issuing ESSRN Application

The SSA Internal User will be able to Approve the application and then subsequently issue the ESSRN.

SSA Internal user will then Issue ESSRN for the Employer.

After the ESSRN is Approved, the Employer’s Certificate and Letter will be issued.

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Application for Registration As Employees

It is important for many reasons that the Social Security Administration has the correct information as to which Employees are employed by which Employer.  This information can be gathered in various ways: either by the Employee reporting it or by the Employer reporting it.

If an Employee wants to report a new engagement or job with a new Employer, they can do so by filling in an "Application for Registration as Employee".  This Application will then be routed first to the Employer for confirmation, using the Employer's e-Services, to confirm that the individual is truly a new Employee and to verify the Employee's job title, start date, starting pay and pay frequency.

The Employer can quickly verify and confirm the information and then proceed by "Posting" the Application to the Social Security Administration, without having to do any data-entry themselves.

If this is the first time an Individual reports being employed, and if the country's social security laws dictate that Social Security Numbers are only issued upon initial employment, then this Application for Registration as Employee will ultimately be converted by the system into a Social Security Number Application also.

Once this is processed, the system will automatically link the Employee with this Employer and from now on all records will show the Employee-Employer relationship and the Employee's Employment History will also be updated.

  • Online application form for registering an individual as an Employee and issue SSN for him/her or complete the process of converting a Temporary SSN of an individual to a Permanent SSN
  • Submitted by Individuals or by SSA internal user
  • Workflow Driven
  • Seamlessly Integrates SSA with Employee Electronic Record and Employer Electronic Record.

Create New Application for Registration as Employees

    • User can find a List which includes all Applications of Registration as an Employee that have already been submitted into the system. The requests include those that are created by the SSA internal user and those applications which are posted by Individuals using their e-Services accounts.

    • SSA internal user can add a form by selecting Applicant Name from the picker and fill the application then Press” Add” button to save the form.

  • After the employer Reviews, they will "Post" it for further processing by the Social Security Authority where the Application may be converted into a Social Security Number Application


    • SSA user can find a list/table “Application for Registration As An Employee List” which is already in the system. The application can only be updated before approval.

  • By Clicking on update button beside the application you want to edit, it will be displayed, and user can update it.

Deleting Application for Registration As An Employee

    • SSA user can find a list of added registration request in the “Application For Registration As An Employee” list. The application can only be deleted before Approval.

  • The deleted request will be removed from the “Application for Registration As Employee List”.

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Voluntary Contributor Registration Applications

Interact SSAS is not only meant for regular Employees having their contributions reported by their Employers.  The system also supports Voluntary Contributors as well as Self-Employed individuals who contribute to the social security system.

Voluntary Contributors can visit the general website of the Social Security Administration and fill in a form to Register as a Voluntary Contributor.  This form will be routed to the appropriate people in the Social Security Administration and it allows them to process the Registration easily without anyone having to re-enter any data.  The data entered by the individual upon original registration will remain on file and be used to populate the record for the Voluntary Contributor.

  • Online Application Form Used to Register an Individual as a Voluntary Contributor and Issue SSN for him/her or Complete the Process of Converting Registration from Individual or Self-employed to Voluntary Contributor When Required.
  • Submitted by Individuals or by SSA Internal User.
  • Workflow Driven.
  • Seamlessly Integrated with the Individual’s Profile and SSN Application.

Initiate the Voluntary Contributor Application

The user can initiate the Voluntary Contributor Application from the home page to go and sign up and register by completing all the required fields and submitting all the mandatory supporting documents.  The format and content of the form will be country-specific and reflect the local laws and regulations around social security.

<h2> Create A New Voluntary Contributor Registration Application</h2>

New Voluntary Contributor Registrations can also be created by an internal user from the Social Security Administration, in case the new Registrant brought in hardcopy papers to the office instead of submitting them online.

    • To access existing registrations, the user can find a a listing which includes all Registrations as Voluntary Contributor that have already been submitted through the system.
    • The List includes Applications that are created by SSA internal user and Applications which are Submitted by Individuals using their e-Services accounts.

    • SSA internal user can also complete the form on behalf of the Voluntary Contributor by selecting Applicant Name from the picker and fill the application then Press” Add” button to save the form.

  • All the documents already uploaded during registration will be displayed, other documents can be uploaded.
  • The Process will be completed through Social Security Number Application.

Updating A Voluntary Contributor Registration Application

    • SSA user can find a table/ list of “Application for Registration as a Voluntary contributor “that have already been submitted through the system.
    • if a user needs to update a specific Application, then he/she will click on “update” button beside it.
    • The Application can only be updated before Approval/ Rejection.

Deleting A Voluntary Contributor Registration Application

    • SSA user can delete an application by clicking on “delete” icon beside that Application, which he/she needs to delete in the “Application for Registration as a Voluntary contributor” table list.

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Application for Registration As Self-Employed

An individual who already has a profile with the Social Security Administration, can log into their portal and use the "Application for Registration as Self-Employed" to convert their registration type and get registered as Self Employed.

The form will auto-populate all information known to the system to minimize mistakes from data entry and will route automatically to the appropriate user within the Social Security Administration for processing.

    • Online Application Form Used to Register an Individual as a Self-Employed and Issue SSN for him/her or Complete the Process of Converting Registration from Individual or Self-Employed to Self-employed When required.
    • Submitted by Individuals or by SSA Internal User.
    • Workflow Driven.
    • Seamlessly Integrated with the Individual’s Profile and SSN Application.

Create A New Self-Employed Registration Application

    • User can find a table/ list which includes all Application of Registration as Self-Employed that have already been submitted through the system.
    • The List includes Applications that are created by SSA internal user and Applications which are Submitted by Individuals using their eservice accounts.

    • SSA internal user can complete the form on behalf of the Self-Employed by selecting Applicant Name from the picker and fill the application then Press” Add” button to save the form.

  • all the documents already uploaded during registration will be displayed, other documents can be uploaded.
  • Annual Insurable Earnings will be calculated based on predefined Setup including Maximum Insurable Earnings and Deduction Percentage.
  • The Process will be completed through Social Security Number Application.

Updating A Self-Employed Registration Application

    • SSA user can find a table/ list of “Application for Registration as a Self-Employed “that have already been submitted through the system.
    • if a user needs to update a specific Application, then he/she will click on “update” button beside it.
    • The Application can only be updated before Approval/ Rejection.

Deleting A Self-Employed Registration Application

    • SSA user can delete an application by clicking on “delete” icon beside that Application, which he/she needs to delete in the “Application for Registration as a Self-Employed” table list.

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Self-Employed/Voluntary Contributor - Filing/Assignment List

In order to capture the correct earnings of Self-Employed or Voluntary Contributors, the system provides a specific form which can be filed by the individuals themselves through the e-Services or completed internally if the information is provided in hard copy only.

The Self-Employed / Voluntary Contributor Filing captures all earnings information that will be used to calculate the correct contribution which should be paid by Self-Employed and Voluntary Contributors over a specific period.

It allows the user processing the form to view the resulting Monthly and/or Quarterly Contribution Amount based on the current contribution rate.  Then this Assessment (or Re-Assessment) will be routed for approval and final processing.

Based on this Filing, the Self-Employed and Voluntary Contributors will be able to make the required payments throughout the year.

    • Complete Country-Specific Form Capturing Relevant Earnings Information of a Self-Employed individual or a Voluntary Contributor
    • Fully Workflow Driven.
    • Seamlessly Integrated with an Individual’s Profile and Self-Employed / Voluntary Contributor Contribution Payment.

Create A Self-Employed/Voluntary Contributor - Filing/Assignment

    • SSA Officer User can find a table / List with all Self-Employed / Voluntary Contributor through the system.

The information can be submitted online through e-Services or entered manually by a user of the Social Security Administration, after which it will be routed for Review and Approval Processing.

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Certificate of Life and Receipt of Pension

In order for the Social Security Administration to properly manage which Pensioners are entitled to their continued pension payments, it is important to have an easy process to track whether Certificates of Life have been submitted on time.

While there are different methods and practices to do so, the most basic approach is to allow pensioners who live remotely or overseas to submit a Certificate of Life form online (or to let them submit it as a hard-copy which is then entered by the Social Security Administration User into the system).

In both cases, this Country Specific Certificate of Life document will be logged into the system and will be retrievable any time required.  The system will also ensure that if the document has not been stored by a specific date, the pension payment of the relevant Pensioner can be automatically suspended.

    • Certificate of Life Application is Used as a Confirmation that a Beneficiary who receives Retirement Pension is still alive.
    • Witness and Supporting Document is included in the form.
    • Seamlessly Integrate with Employee’s Benefit Claim.
    • Workflow driven.

Create a Certificate of Life

    • SSA Officer User can find a Table / Listing with all Certificate of Life Applications Submitted through the System.

    • User can use the search fields to select an Individual or Press “New” to add new Certificate of Life and Receipt of Pension Document

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Education Institution Declaration

In order to ensure that children continue to receive all those benefits for which they are eligible, some countries require these children to provide proof of enrollment in schools.  These Education Institution Declarations can be uploaded through Interact SSAS from the e-Services portal or by the Social Security Administration user so they remain on file and are linked with the account of the Child.

Through the seamless integration of all processes and modules in Interact SSAS, lack of an Education Institution Declaration can lead to automatic suspension of Child Benefits which are contingent on the child being enrolled in school.

    • Social Security Officer User Can Receive and Add School Certificates for Survivors to be used for Benefit Payments.
    • Workflow Driven.
  • SSA Officer User can find a Table / Listing with all School Certificates Submitted through the System.
  • Status of School Certificate can be Approved, Rejected or Draft.

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Reinstatement Requests

Employers may have their Status Deactivated or set to Dormant if they are not active and do not file the required reports.  If at a certain point the same Employer becomes Active again, they will need to be formally Reactivated or Reinstated.  This is done by filing a Reinstatement Request, which can be filed through e-Services or done by the appropriate User from the Social Security Administration.

    • Reinstatement Request is used to reactivate an Employer.
    • Seamlessly Integrate with Employer’s Profile.
    • User can specify the reason which is predefined in the system for reactivating the Employer.
    • Workflow driven.

Create a Reinstatement Request

  • SSA Officer User can find a table / List with all Reinstatement Requests Submitted through the system.
  • User can use the search fields to select an Employer or Press “New” to add new Reinstatement Request.

During filing of the Reinstatement Request, the user will also be able to indicate the Reason for the Reinstatement Request and select from a list of pre-defined options.  This allows for detailed reporting to inform management decision making within the Social Security Administration afterwards.

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