
  1. How Interact SSAS Supports Global Invalidity vs. Disability Benefits

    Although often used interchangeably, invalidity benefits and disability benefits differ in purpose, scope, and eligibility criteria. Invalidity Benefits: Definition: Invalidity benefits are designed for individuals who are unable to work due to a permanent physical or mental condition. The emphasis is on long-term or lifelong incapacity. Eligibility: Typically requires a medical certification confirming that the condition is unlikely to improve and prevents all forms of work. Duration: These benefits often continue until the recipient reaches a certain age (e.g., retirement) or until the condition improves. Examples: Invalidity Pensions or Grants, often based on an individual’s contribution history. Disability Benefits: Definition: Disability benefits are broader and cater to both short-term and long-term disabilities. They may cover partial disabilities or those that still allow some form of work. Eligibility: May include individuals with partial incapacities or those whose condition does not completely prevent work but requires additional support. Duration: Can be temporary...

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