
  1. Human Resources Management Business Process Map

      For a Human Resources (HR) Department to play a strategic role within the organization, it needs to be proactive with its business processes/functions and how these impact the performance of the organization as a whole and how it adds an extensive value to the success, effectiveness, and efficiency of the organization. In this paper we shall present the HR business processes, whether such processes or functions are fully under the responsibility of HR or HR is partially involved in these processes. So, we can demonstrate the extent of the impact of HR on the Organization operational and financial performance. It is critical to understand that for HR to play its role within the organization, it needs to go beyond personnel record management, and start to view itself as a strategic partner within the organization. In order to achieve the goal, HR needs to understand its business process/functional scope and...
  2. Interact HRMS – Implementation Methodology

      Interact Implementation Methodology is guided by the “Less is More” philosophy and the ease of use guiding principle. The methodology consists of five components/stages as shown in figure-1. Figure-1 – Interact Implementation Methodology Framework Planning The planning component is used to plan the project and consists: – Project Kickoff Meeting – Project Stakeholders and Responsibilities – Preliminary Project Plan – Prerequisites – Change Control – Risks and Mitigation The planning stage of the implementation is very critical, as it defines the project team, stakeholders, expectations, risks, responsibilities of the parties, and the plan of the implementation including the activities, timetable, and resources. Note that in the absence of a plan you’ll never be able to complete the project as the plan is a guide that will show all parties what are the activities that need to be conducted and when, as well as who is responsible for each activity....

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