
  1. Interact Payroll System Framework

      In the article, The Payroll Miracle, I have provided the definition of Payroll processes, and provided the calculation method of the employee Net Salary as well as the variables and functions used in calculating the net salary and the payroll data types, and sources. In this article, I shall describe Interact Payroll System Framework as it relates to the Payroll Definition described in the previous article. It is important to understand that each payroll system has its own framework and not all payroll frameworks are created equal. Some payroll frameworks are rigid and limited, while others are flexible and agile as they provide more flexibility accommodating multiple types of payroll setups to support specific payroll requirements of the organization, industry, business type, and country. Interact Payroll System Framework is highly flexible, it is policy driven, where all payroll rules and associated calculation methods are defined as policies during the payroll...
  2. The Payroll Miracle

      The other day, I read an article that states that a new HR Company has developed a Payroll System in 60 days that runs the payroll by itself without any user intervention and it does it by using HR data with the click of a button.  Well, well, I said to myself, this is really genius and magic. If someone can do that, that is not only disruptive, but revolutionary – that is like saying that I have developed a magic stick that you can put in the ocean and it will turn ocean salt water to drinking water in a second. Wow that is incredible and miraculous. Since I have spent most of my adult life dealing with payroll and the intricacies of payroll in many countries, I said to myself I should write this blog to explain the payroll, its meaning, and its complexities, and why it cannot...
  3. Human Resources Management Business Process Map

      For a Human Resources (HR) Department to play a strategic role within the organization, it needs to be proactive with its business processes/functions and how these impact the performance of the organization as a whole and how it adds an extensive value to the success, effectiveness, and efficiency of the organization. In this paper we shall present the HR business processes, whether such processes or functions are fully under the responsibility of HR or HR is partially involved in these processes. So, we can demonstrate the extent of the impact of HR on the Organization operational and financial performance. It is critical to understand that for HR to play its role within the organization, it needs to go beyond personnel record management, and start to view itself as a strategic partner within the organization. In order to achieve the goal, HR needs to understand its business process/functional scope and...
  4. Interact HRMS – Implementation Methodology

      Interact Implementation Methodology is guided by the “Less is More” philosophy and the ease of use guiding principle. The methodology consists of five components/stages as shown in figure-1. Figure-1 – Interact Implementation Methodology Framework Planning The planning component is used to plan the project and consists: – Project Kickoff Meeting – Project Stakeholders and Responsibilities – Preliminary Project Plan – Prerequisites – Change Control – Risks and Mitigation The planning stage of the implementation is very critical, as it defines the project team, stakeholders, expectations, risks, responsibilities of the parties, and the plan of the implementation including the activities, timetable, and resources. Note that in the absence of a plan you’ll never be able to complete the project as the plan is a guide that will show all parties what are the activities that need to be conducted and when, as well as who is responsible for each activity....
  5. Interact HRMS Implementation – Framework and Setup Stages

      Before you commence Interact HRMS implementation and setup, you need to understand the Implementation Framework and Stages of Interact HRMS as this understanding is very critical to conducting a successful and timely implementation. This section describes the Implementation Framework and Stages of Interact HRMS. Implementation Framework Interact HRMS Implementation Framework is defined by the components that need to be defined in order to implement Interact HRMS. These components are defined as follows and as shown in figure-1: Figure-1: Interact Implementation Framework Foundation These are the business entities of the company/organization within which Interact HRMS will be implemented and to which the company HR and Compensation and Payroll policies will be applied. These business entities or foundation elements consist of the following: – Enterprise – Employers – Organization Units – Employee Groups – Job Classification – Cost Centers – GL Accounts – Chart of Account Structure – Fiscal Year and Periods...
  6. Interact HRMS has more than one type of Payroll

    Ease of Use is a key concern for us at 2Interact and we make sure that while we offer very sophisticated functionality that is global and therefore highly configurable and generic, we also keep a laser focus on simplicity and ease of use.   Many software providers take the easy road by creating unlimited screens and forms for every feature under the sun and thereby drown their users in complexity.  It’s much harder to design an enterprise Payroll that not only has depth and breadth in its functionality, but is also simple to use.  In other words… you shouldn’t need a PhD to run a Payroll in a good enterprise system. That brings us to the different pay cycles and different types of payroll.  Interact HRMS supports any Pay Cycle / Pay Period you can dream of (Weekly, Biweekly, Semi Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly or custom-periods), these Pay Cycles/Periods can of course all be managed...
  7. Guiding Principles of Interact HRMS

    Interact HRMS – Guiding Principles   Simplicity.  Interact HRMS solutions are designed to be simple in everything they do.  Whether your needs are sophisticated or very basic, there is always a beautiful and simple way to deliver on them, and that is what we strive for. Ease-of-Use.  Simplicity leads to Ease-of-Use.  The biggest challenge in the industry is that enterprise applications become so complex that users require constant training just to be able to perform regular tasks.  Our mission at 2Interact is to make sure that users of any level can quickly learn their specific tasks and perform them on their own.  Due to the powerful self-service capabilities, all transactions can be performed by those users who are closest to the particular data (i.e. employees can fill in their benefit enrollment forms, leave requests, training requests, address change, etc.) instead of having this done by HR users. No dual entry. ...
  8. What makes Interact HRMS unique in the world of HRIS solutions?

    Interact HRMS is a unique solution in the global market of HRIS applications for a number of important reasons:   70 modules all in one.  Interact HRMS consists of 70+ modules in HR, Payroll, Time, Benefits, Talent and Risk management.  It’s not a collection of loose modules, nor a combination of different systems cobbled together from different vendors.  No, Interact HRMS is a complete solution that caters to all needs from “hire to retire” through a single portal. Original Developer. In the HRIS world, you’ll find that many software providers did not develop themselves the software they are selling you and sometimes don’t even own the rights to it (they acquired software companies or they have an OEM licensing agreement with another software provider).  This is not the case with Interact HRMS.  All the software offered by 2Interact is originally developed and owned by 2Interact, which means support will be guaranteed and...
  9. Interact HRMS Implementation – Goals & Objectives

    Implementation Goals The primary goal of an Interact HRMS Implementation is the setup of Interact HRMS software to reflect the organization structure, operation, and its HR and Payroll policies to enable the end users to process HR Actions and transactions and to run the payroll for its employees. Such a setup needs to be conducted in accordance to specific quality standard including: Timeliness – Keep in mind that the implementation is successful if it meets specific predefined timetable that meets the client and provider expectation. Effectiveness – The implementation is successful if the outcome of the implementation is effective in a sense that it meets and exceeds client’s expectations in terms of capturing the organization structure and its policies and the ability to process all HR actions, leave, time and attendance and payroll transactions without major effort as well as enabling the client to comply with local, state, and federal labor...
  10. Interact HRMS Implementation – Overview

    Interact HRMS is an enterprise HRMS software with more than seventy (70) integrated applications that cover all aspects of HR and Payroll business within an organization. Interact HRMS software can be implemented for a single employer/company in a single country or for multiple employers across the global. Interact HRMS is a Ready-Made software, and is not custom-built application. Interact HRMS is flexible enough to support most client policies using setup parameters, however, and since it is Ready-Made, it is not going to mimic what the client does. It is important to understand the difference between “What Is Suppose to be Produced, the end Result”, and “How the result is Produced”. Interact HRMS Implementation scope depends on the configuration of the software as purchased by the Client and the number of companies and countries in which the software is to be implemented. Our basic philosophy is to keep things “Simple” and...

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